Tuesday, October 21, 2014


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysW9TI-Emwc - 3 panel video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxu74U8Z5LM - Right panel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq7uegtn-9o - Center panel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQj_C1nfNc0 - Left panel

Artist statement: My video consists of coins being put in a piggy bank. This video is about consumerism. The video is inspired by the movie Fight Club. In Fight Club at one point, Brad Pitt’s character Tyler Durden rants about how we work so jobs to buy stuff that we don’t need. I took that to be an attack on consumerism. He also questions who dictates to us what kind of stuff we need to have or wear. I connect that with the video I made by repeatedly putting coins in my piggy bank. You would think that I was doing this to try to save money, but on the right side of the piggy bank, it says “fund for a girls night out.” In the video, I am depicting myself to be seemingly being smart by saving money, but really I am saving my money for something not important. This gesture is an ode to the movie Fight Club.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Marshall Mcluhan

Artist statement: Reading Response: I thought Marshall Mcluhan's work was very interesting and very preemptive. His work was made in the 60’s but nevertheless his predictions as to how people would be were dead on. One thing that he said that was very interesting and eerie at the same time is that we are overworked by technology and nothing more than that statement rings true today. We are saturated by pictures, images, billboards, TV commercials because it is the number one medium now. It is how people get to us. We do not read books in libraries anymore because it takes up too much time. We google it to process the information a lot faster by getting a snapshot of it as opposed to taking in complete information. We are definitely more than ever saturated and therefore overworked by technology. We are never not trying to be communicated to because we are easy access because technology in the same coin is easy access. 


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Artist statement: My instrument was inspired by drums. Because drums are my favorite instruments, I wanted to sort of make a tribute to it. I wanted to make an instrument that sounded similar to the drums but had a twist to it. Therefore, I added rocks and shells inside my own do-it-yourself instrument. It ended up being a like a dual instrument. If you shake the instrument, it sounds a lot like a tambourine. If you bang some sort of stick on the instrument it can resemble to the sound of drums. I used a can as a base and plastic water bottles as the base by burning it on around the can. 

Partner's visual score


Artist statement: The way I performed my partner’s piece was simple because the images in his score all symbolized how we wanted to the beat to be played. The curvy lines meant I had to play my instrument in an upbeat and slow motion until the curvy line ended. The circles were meant to be open for my interpretation. I played the circles by shaking my instrument and rattling it to give it a fast and loud beat. The two lines that are illustrated upward and downward that were meant to resemble staircases were interesting. The upward lines was supposed to be played high pitched and faster and the downward lines were meant to be played slowly, and calmer. 

My visual score

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Artist statement: Below is my visual score. The triangles in the images are supposed to depict how the tempo of the instrument was supposed to be played along with the triangles. The triangles that were pointing downward were meant to play slower beats. The triangles that were pointing upward were meant to play a faster beat. The lines inside the triangles also play as to how the beats should sound. The longer the lines were in the triangle meant that I wanted the tempo to be longer. If the lines in the triangle were short, it meant that I only wanted the beats to be played a little more abrupt and slower. Lastly, the diagonal lines meant that they could be played however the person played my score wanted to. I thought he did a brilliant job in interpreting my score as well as incorporating his own interpretation of my score.

Performance video


Artist statement: Below is the link for my performance video. In the video, I am doing nothing but cartwheels. I am doing cartwheels in 3 sets as many times as I could from the starting point to its endpoint. The inspiration behind this performance is, one day I was walking by the quad and saw children laughing and enjoying themselves doing cartwheels. That put a smile on my face as I used to enjoy doing cartwheels myself as a kid. I tried doing the same thing now as an adult and I realized that it wasn’t fun for me anymore to do cartwheels. Instead, it was tiring and dizzying. My legs also hurt the whole entire time I was shooting this video. It comes to that realization that even if you are still a kid at heart or still appreciate what you appreciated as a kid, there is a part of you who will not enjoy the same things you enjoyed as a kid because it is simply just not the same. You are older, more tired, less innocent, less free and less carefree at that. 


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Artist statement: The meaning behind my work is dedicated to our culture more specifically in a woman’s world. The images depicted are things I like and enjoy as a woman. The images contain: a Starbucks logo, Three friends chitchatting and enjoying each other’s company, beaches, water, Tiffany’s, an engagement ring, bikinis, being able to show skin. These are things that I personally enjoy doing or having or things that I enjoy being of avail to me. The sick twist is that as much as women like myself enjoy these perks, it is also of nothing to us. Whereas women, in other cultures, are deprived of the very same things that we enjoy but are not really thankful for. Marrying the wrong guy and baring too much skin can end up fatally, for other women.