Thursday, March 12, 2015

Artist Statement: Response to Heidegger

Artist statement:

My artist statement is a response to two excerpts I've read from Heidegger. One point the reading makes is that to a certain degree we should reject technology, but Heidegger is not totally opposed to technology. I personally agree with that statement because I am not opposed to technology, but I reject it to a certain extent. The video I made illustrates the pitfalls and dangers of misuse of technology when we don't reject it and its grave consequences.

The second response to my project is a part in the reading when Heidegger says that when you add something on to something, the original purpose of that something loses its meaning.
My response in that aspect was that technology has a lot of great uses, but experiencing things firsthand has lost its meaning because we can now experience everything through technology.

We are essentially adding something onto something and in turn, that something (technology) is losing its original purpose and meaning. 

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