Monday, October 20, 2014

Performance video

Artist statement: Below is the link for my performance video. In the video, I am doing nothing but cartwheels. I am doing cartwheels in 3 sets as many times as I could from the starting point to its endpoint. The inspiration behind this performance is, one day I was walking by the quad and saw children laughing and enjoying themselves doing cartwheels. That put a smile on my face as I used to enjoy doing cartwheels myself as a kid. I tried doing the same thing now as an adult and I realized that it wasn’t fun for me anymore to do cartwheels. Instead, it was tiring and dizzying. My legs also hurt the whole entire time I was shooting this video. It comes to that realization that even if you are still a kid at heart or still appreciate what you appreciated as a kid, there is a part of you who will not enjoy the same things you enjoyed as a kid because it is simply just not the same. You are older, more tired, less innocent, less free and less carefree at that. 

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